Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Current Going-Ons:

I wanted to jot down some of my knitterly happenings at the moment, so here goes!

I've been working on another pair of custom socks for myself. Trying to figure out exactly how to execute the individual elements that make the perfect sock is my goal.

One day (soon) I have to break out of the top-down start with my sock projects, but being a creature of habit, it's my go-to cast on. This pair starts with a 2x2 ribbing for 1.5 inches (maybe a touch less). I then increased between the two knit ribbed stitches to make a much larger leg portion.

One thing I've had to deal with is figuring out the marriage of more yardage in my sock yarn than ever before with my distaste of long socks.

The increase I've done this time is to create a "fatter" leg portion so that the length will slouch down when on. So far I'm liking the look and feel of where the sock is hitting me.

After I knit stockinette on these for several inches, I knit 2tog every third stitch and then made another 2x2 ribbing (1/2 an inch) that lands at my ankle.

I've knitted the basic slipped stitch heel, heel turn and gusset, then about another 2 inches of stockinette for the foot.

Currently I'm working 2x2 ribbing that will lay right around my arch, which is my personal favorite element in socks.

There are two things I'm not overly happy with - one within my skill and one outside of my control. The heel is probably going to be a tad short. I can live with it, but if that ends up being the case then I need to note it and learn from it.

The thing outside of my control is the color of this yarn.

Ugh. I'm not happy with it.


It was a beautiful skein of sock yarn, or else why would I have purchased it? I only buy beautiful yarn, don't'cha know :grin: Lisa Souza's SOCK! purchased at Stitches West '08, colorway "painted desert". Man was it beautiful on the shelf that day.

Knitted up? Oranges and purples and browns with flecks of white make stunning skies but they make yucko stripes on socks.

It's not Lisa. Her stuff is awesome and I'm so very happy with things I've knitted up of hers in the past. It's that I need to have better skills (and willpower, people!) when it comes time to purchase. All this sock knitting experience has opened my eyes to color play and how things actually knit up in real life. So much so that my sock yarn purchasing has been seriously curtailed.

I'm learning.

Other than this sock, I still have my ravelympic second sock to finish. All in good time.

Tonight I picked up Ruth down the road and we went to the Scarlet Skein in Atascadero for this month's "Chick Flick" night.

The store is *very* nice. Well lit, scads of great yarn and excellent pattern book/pamphlet choices. Oh, and the coffee pot thingie? Don't even get me started on how awesome that little piece of equipment is!

The owner Tracy not only has a great store, she's a wonderful hostess as well. She provided take-out pizza with various drinks and a few shop patrons provided excellent sides! Fruit salad, salad-salad and even cookies! When I go next time I am definately bringing something from home to share.

I got to see 'Becca again (she brought the chocolate chip and cranberry cookies . . . YUM!) and meet podcaster queen Ms. nevernotknitting as well. Guess what y'all. She really was 'never not knitting' the entire time, save for a little snack of pretzels she noshed on, lol. Lucky us, she brought this, this and this for us to fondle! I also got to visit with Jen again and pet her latest F.O. It's soft and airy like lace is, but it's also thick enough to provide warmth from chilly/foggy times around the ocean. She picked a great yarn for it.

What a fan-freak'n-tastic group! I look forward to many other visits to the Scarlet Skein. A great store with a great clientele for sure.

Pictures will follow pretty soon, I promise.

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